Basic FreePBX Security - Part I
Arguably, the most important thing for any computer system today is security. Actually, there is no argument. Securing a computer system is the most critical thing you can possibly do, and you need to do it as soon as a system comes online.
For a FreePBX system, this starts during the installation. Immediately after selecting the install type, it will launch the standard Anaconda installer used by many Linux distributions. You do not want to click on anything until the install process begins.
Once it does you will see this screen where you can set the root password. Set a long password, the longer the better.
Setup DHCP Option on Windows Server
One of the easiest ways to make your life easier, when it comes to VoIP desk phones, is to have your DHCP server tell phones how to access the provisioning server.
Every DHCP server can do this slightly differently. Today, I will explain how to set it up on a Windows Server.
Open the DHCP app on the server. In the tree view, click on the arrow to expand everything down to the Scope Options Right click on Scope Options and choose ?? Scroll down the list of options to 066 Boot Service Host Name Enter the URL to get to the PBX HTTP: http://pbx.
Not a habit
Well, I have obviosuly been unable to make posting a habit.
I have done quite a bit since April that I should have posted here, this is a regret that I need to work hard to rectify.
Setup Grandstream HandyTone from Command Line
I try to make use of DHCP boot options to have telephony devices automatically reach out to their provisoining server, but it is not always possible.
If you find yourself needing to setup a Grandstream HandyTone (or most of their phones) you do not need to log into the web interface to do it.
Instead they have SSH enabled by default, so it is very easy. Open your preferred terminal application and ssh in as admin to the IP of the device. The defualt password is also admin.
ssh admin@ Grandstream HT802 Command Shell Copyright 2006-2018 admin@'s password: GS> Here is a list of the available commands for the HT802.
Automating Installation of FreePBX 15
So, one of my personal passions has long been VoIP (Voice over IP). I’ve been using it for years and years to run my online D&D campaign. But in the last few years, I have seem to have made a name for myself in the business applications of VoIP. Most notably with Asterisk and FreePBX.
Because of that, my boss has decided to try a marketing blitz advertising the company’s ability to help businesses figure out what is the best phone solutoin for them.
Like all companies, we are hopeful that this will turn in to a bunch of work. To make it easier to get a new system turned up in a reliable manner, I have finally started scripting out my process of installing FreePBX.
Time to try again
I always mean to keep up with a blog or something on this domain, but I seem to always let it stagnate. So here we go again. Let’s see how I do this time around.
I decided to try using Hugo, a static site generator, to create the site. Then hosting it on GitLab using the GitLab Pages functionality.
I really like what I am seeing with Hugo so far. Thanks to John Hooks for turning me on to this.
Don’t be surprised if this changes a few times as I keep chaning my mind on a theme that I like.